Monday, April 18, 2016

An entry to culture

An entry to culture indeed! Me and my lovely friend visited Kiasma the other day, a Finnish museum of modern art, right in the heart of Helsinki. Not only did we adore the new exhibit, but we also got a lot of photographing done. And here is the result:

This was my personal favorite from all the works of art. Pearls upon pearls upon pearls. In a way, this reminded me of the ideal world. We all have our own colors and shapes, but we are all still connected to each other, depending on the other's support. If you snap the string from any point, all of the pearls are going to fall, no matter what. That's how much we need each other. And the fact that the pearls are different from each other is what makes this piece of art so interesting. Same dealio with humans.

What I think we both learned from this day, was that the best pictures are the ones taken accidentally. So, when taking photos, I recommend to just be yourself and relax. Who knows, somewhere among hundreds of pictures, you may just find the perfect one.



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